From Chemicals to Natural: The Best Homemade Shampoo Recipe for Women Transitioning to Healthy Hair

Mick Strickland

The Benefits of Natural Hair and Introducing Homemade Shampoo

As more women embrace their natural hair, the advantages of transitioning from chemically-treated hair to natural hair become increasingly clear. For starters, natural hair is healthier and has more texture and versatility than relaxed or permed hair. It is also easier to manage and maintain, which means it can save you time and money in the long run.

One key aspect of transitioning to natural hair is finding products that work well with your new texture. This is where homemade shampoo comes in.

Unlike store-bought shampoos that often contain harsh chemicals, homemade shampoo recipes use all-natural ingredients that are gentle on your hair and scalp. Not only are homemade shampoos better for your health, but they also allow you to customize your product to fit your specific needs.

Whether you want a moisturizing shampoo for dry hair or a clarifying one for oily scalp, there’s a recipe out there just for you. In this article, we will go over the benefits of transitioning to natural hair and how homemade shampoo can help make the process smoother.

We’ll provide an easy-to-follow recipe as well as tips on how to make the most out of it. So sit back, relax, and get ready to embrace your beautiful natural locks!

Ingredients for Homemade Shampoo

When it comes to making your own shampoo at home, it’s important to use all-natural ingredients that are gentle on hair and scalp. Here are some of the best ingredients you can use:

1. Castile soap: Castile soap is a natural, vegetable-based soap that is gentle on hair and skin. It’s made from olive oil and can be found in most health food stores. Castile soap helps to cleanse the hair without stripping it of its natural oils.

2. Coconut milk: Coconut milk is rich in vitamins and minerals that help to nourish the hair and scalp. It also has moisturizing properties that help to prevent dryness and breakage. Coconut milk helps to make the shampoo more creamy and luxurious.

3. Essential oils: Essential oils not only add a lovely fragrance to your homemade shampoo, but they also have therapeutic benefits for the hair and scalp. For example, lavender oil is great for promoting relaxation while peppermint oil helps stimulate the scalp.

4. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH level of your scalp, which can help prevent dandruff, itchiness, or dryness issues related with transitioning natural hair from chemical treatments like relaxers or texturizers.

Mixing these key ingredients together can create a powerful homemade shampoo that will nourish your hair and help it grow strong and healthy. Stay tuned for the recipe on how to bring all these ingredients together into an amazing homemade shampoo formulation!

Recipe for Homemade Shampoo

The Recipe

Now that you have all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to make the shampoo. Here’s how:

1. In a small bowl, mix together ½ cup of castile soap and ½ cup of coconut milk until well combined.

2. Add 1 tablespoon of avocado oil to the mixture and stir until evenly distributed.

3. Add 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to the mixture and stir in well

3. Finally, add 10-15 drops of your preferred essential oil(s) to give your shampoo a nice scent. Stir again.

Tips for Success

Making homemade shampoo is easy but there are some tips you should keep in mind to ensure success:

– Use distilled water instead of tap water to prevent any impurities from affecting the quality of your shampoo.

– Shake the bottle before each use as some separation may occur due to using natural ingredients.

– Store in an air-tight container in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

By following these tips you’ll be able to make a high-quality homemade shampoo that will leave your hair feeling clean, healthy, and beautiful!

Benefits of Homemade Shampoo

One of the biggest advantages of using homemade shampoo is that it is made from all-natural ingredients that are gentle on the hair and scalp. This means that it won’t strip the hair of its natural oils, which can lead to dryness, breakage, and other issues. Instead, homemade shampoo can help to nourish and strengthen the hair, leading to healthier locks over time.

Hair Growth

Homemade shampoo can also help with hair growth by providing essential nutrients and vitamins to the scalp. When you use store-bought shampoos, they often contain harsh chemicals that can damage hair follicles and stunt growth. Homemade shampoos are packed with natural ingredients like aloe vera, rosemary oil, and coconut milk that have been shown to promote healthy hair growth.

Moisture Retention

If you’re transitioning from chemically-treated hair to natural hair, moisture retention is key. One of the biggest challenges during this process is keeping your new growth moisturized without weighing it down or making it greasy. Homemade shampoo can be customized to your specific needs by adding oils like jojoba or argan oil for added moisture without sacrificing volume.

Overall Hair Health

Using homemade shampoo on a regular basis can improve overall hair health in many ways. By avoiding harsh chemicals found in store-bought shampoos you’ll reduce damage caused by chemical buildup. Additionally, natural ingredients such as apple cider vinegar (ACV) have antibacterial properties which fight dandruff while balancing pH levels for healthy scalp and strand maintenance.

Comparing Homemade Shampoo to Store-Bought Alternatives

The big question when considering making your own shampoo versus buying a bottle at the store is, “Does it really make a difference?” The answer is a resounding YES! Store-bought shampoos often contain harsh chemicals that can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dullness and breakage. Homemade shampoo on the other hand, is made from all-natural ingredients like honey, tea tree oil and coconut milk that help to nourish and strengthen the hair.


When compared to store-bought shampoos, homemade shampoo can be much more cost-effective. While some ingredients may seem expensive at first glance (such as essential oils), you usually only need a few drops for each recipe so they will last for months. And because you control how much you make, there’s no wasting half-full bottles or throwing them away when they expire.


Another major benefit of homemade shampoo is customization. With store-bought shampoos you get what you get; one size fits all.

But with homemade shampoo recipes, you can customize the ingredients based on your specific hair type and needs. For example adding avocado oil for dry hair or tea tree oil for oily scalp issues.


Making your own shampoo contributes to reducing plastic waste by refilling old bottles instead of buying new ones every time. With homemade beauty products in general, less water is used in production than with commercial brands which helps decrease overall water consumption.

Tips for Transitioning to Natural Hair

Making a Smooth Transition from Chemically-Treated Hair to Natural Hair

Transitioning from chemically-treated hair to natural hair can be daunting, but it is achievable with the right mindset and products. First, start by trimming your ends every six to eight weeks. This will help remove any damaged or split ends caused by chemical treatments.

Secondly, be patient with your hair. It may take some time to get used to your natural texture and curl pattern.

To make the transition process smoother, try using a leave-in conditioner and detangling spray after washing your hair. These products will help soften and detangle your hair without causing breakage.

Hairstyles During the Transition Period

During the transition period, it’s essential to find hairstyles that protect your hair while also allowing it to grow freely without too much manipulation or pulling on the scalp. Some protective styles include braids, twists, bantu knots, and updos. Wearing a silk scarf or bonnet at night can also help maintain moisture in your hair and prevent friction that leads to breakage.

If you prefer wearing your hair out during the transition period, try using flexi rods or perm rods on damp hair overnight for defined curls without heat damage. Braid outs and twist outs are also great options for achieving definition and volume without heat styling.

Transitioning from chemically-treated hair to natural hair is a journey that requires patience and care. By following these tips for making a smooth transition and finding protective hairstyles that work for you, you’ll be well on your way to achieving healthy natural locks!


Using homemade shampoo during your natural hair transition can have numerous benefits for the health and appearance of your hair. By opting for all-natural ingredients like coconut oil, honey, and avocado, you’ll be avoiding the harsh chemicals found in many store-bought shampoos.

This is especially important for those who are transitioning to natural hair, as chemically-treated hair can be more susceptible to damage. Not only does homemade shampoo help to nourish and moisturize your hair, but it’s also a cost-effective solution that you can make right at home!

By following our recipe and tips for transitioning to natural hair, you’ll be on your way to luscious locks in no time. We encourage you to give this DIY project a try and see the amazing results for yourself – your hair will thank you!