Soothing Lavender-Sleepytime Body Wash Recipe for Children with Restless Nights

Mick Strickland


Have you ever had to deal with a cranky, irritable child that seems to be constantly tired? As a parent, we all know that feeling. Sleep is essential for children’s growth and development, both physically and mentally.

It allows their brains to process and retain information from the day while resting their bodies for another day of fun and learning. Yet despite its importance, many children struggle with getting quality sleep at night.

The Problem with Typical Sleep Aids

It’s no secret that parents are often tempted to use over-the-counter sleep aids like melatonin or prescription medications when their child struggles with sleep. But why are these options problematic?

Firstly, they can have unwanted side effects that parents may not be aware of including headaches or drowsiness the following day which can disrupt the natural sleep cycle. Furthermore, long-term usage of medications can lead to dependency issues which are never ideal.

Enter Lavender: The Natural Solution

Enter lavender – a natural solution for aiding in sleep without any side effects or dependency issues! Aromatherapy has been used for centuries as an effective way to promote relaxation and aid in sleep.

One study conducted by Wesleyan University found that participants who received lavender aroma therapy reported better quality of sleep than those who did not receive it. By introducing lavender into your child’s bedtime routine through the use of body wash containing this essential oil, you’re not only promoting relaxation but also creating a sensory experience that signals it’s time for bed.

It’s a safe and effective way to help your child wind down after a busy day while preparing them for another great one tomorrow. So toss out those risky over-the-counter aids and try out this lavender-sleepytime body wash recipe – your child (and you) will thank you in the morning!

The Benefits of Lavender

The Calming Properties of Lavender

Lavender is one of the most well-known and widely used essential oils for relaxation. Its calming properties have been recognized for centuries, and it has been used in traditional medicine to treat anxiety, insomnia, and stress.

For children who struggle with restless nights, lavender can be a powerful tool to help them relax before bed. One of the reasons why lavender is so effective is because it contains compounds that interact with the nervous system.

When you breathe in lavender oil or use a product that contains it, these compounds travel through the bloodstream and reach the brain. Once they’re there, they interact with certain receptors that promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.

Studies That Have Shown Lavender to Improve Sleep Quality

Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of lavender on sleep quality in both adults and children. Many of these studies have found that using lavender before bed can improve the overall quality of sleep by promoting deeper sleep and reducing nighttime awakenings.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that using lavender oil before bed improved sleep quality in women with insomnia. Another study conducted by researchers at Wesleyan University found that children who smelled lavender oil for 30 minutes before bedtime experienced longer periods of deep sleep compared to those who didn’t.

Overall, these studies suggest that incorporating lavender into your child’s bedtime routine could be an effective way to improve their quality of sleep. Not only will it help them fall asleep faster, but it may also enhance the overall restorative benefits they receive from their nighttime slumber.

Lavender Oil Should Be Used With Caution

While there’s no doubt about the benefits of using lavender as a natural sleep aid for children with restless nights, it’s important to note that not all products are created equal. When using lavender oil, be sure to choose a high-quality, pure essential oil that has been properly diluted. In addition, keep in mind that essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with caution.

Always follow the instructions for use carefully and never apply undiluted essential oils directly to the skin. If you have any concerns about using lavender or other essential oils on your child, talk to your pediatrician first.

Overall, while there’s still much we don’t know about how lavender works and its effects on the body and mind, there’s no denying its potential as a safe and natural sleep aid for children. By incorporating a soothing lavender-sleepytime body wash recipe into your child’s bedtime routine, you may be setting them up for healthier sleep patterns that will benefit them for years to come.

Ingredients and Supplies Needed

Essential Oils: Lavender

The star ingredient of this recipe is lavender essential oil. It is important to choose high-quality, pure essential oils that are safe for children.

Lavender is known for its calming properties and has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and sleep. The scent of lavender has been shown to slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels, making it the perfect addition to a bedtime body wash.

Castile Soap

The next ingredient on the list is castile soap, which is a natural soap made from vegetable oils such as olive, coconut or hemp oil. Castile soap is gentle on the skin and does not contain any harsh chemicals that can irritate your child’s delicate skin.

It creates a rich lather that helps cleanse the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. When combined with other ingredients like lavender essential oil and coconut oil, castile soap can create an effective cleansing formula.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another key ingredient in this recipe because it helps moisturize the skin while providing antibacterial properties. The coconut oil also has a pleasant aroma that complements the lavender scent in this body wash recipe. Its moisturizing capabilities help keep your child’s skin soft and supple even after bathing.

Mixing Bowl and Whisk

To make this body wash recipe you will need a mixing bowl and whisk to combine all the ingredients properly. Make sure you use a bowl that is big enough so that when you begin mixing, all ingredients will fit comfortably inside without spilling over. Creating a soothing lavender-sleepytime body wash for children doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

With just four simple ingredients (lavender essential oil, castile soap, coconut oil) along with some basic supplies (mixing bowl and whisk), you can create a natural, calming body wash for your child’s bedtime routine. By choosing natural ingredients and avoiding harsh chemicals found in commercial body washes, you are not only promoting better sleep but also helping to keep your child’s skin healthy and soft.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making the Body Wash

Mixing the Ingredients Together

Let’s start with mixing the ingredients together. The first thing you’ll need is a mixing bowl.

To create this heavenly body wash, you will need a half cup of castile soap, a quarter cup of coconut oil, and 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix all the ingredients together using a whisk or electric mixer until they combine perfectly.

Tips on How to Properly Store and Use Body Wash

Once you’ve mixed all the ingredients together, it’s time to store your body wash properly. I recommend storing it in an airtight container to avoid air exposure; this will help keep its soothing aroma intact. Also, make sure to shake well before use as some oils may settle at the bottom.

Now that we’ve covered how to make and store your homemade lavender-sleepytime body wash recipe let’s talk about how to use it properly. This body wash should be used before bed as part of your child’s night routine.

Simply wet your child’s skin with warm water in the shower or bath and apply a generous amount of body wash onto their skin. Encourage them to take their time and massage it well into their skin; that way, they can get full benefits of its soothing properties.

Why This Recipe Works Well

Castile soap serves as an excellent base for this recipe because it is mild yet effective in cleansing dirt and grime from your child’s skin without stripping away natural oils or causing irritation. Coconut oil provides nourishment while moisturizing dry skin without clogging pores or leaving behind any greasy residue. Lavender essential oil has been known for centuries for its calming effect on both adults and children alike when used in aromatherapy or applied topically on the skin.

It helps reduce anxiety, promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. With this simple recipe, you can create a natural and safe way to help your child get the sleep they need to be happy and healthy.

The Power of Scent

It’s Time to Acknowledge the Importance of Our Sense of Smell

Our sense of smell is often overlooked and underappreciated, but it plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It has the power to evoke strong emotions, memories, and even affect our moods.

Have you ever smelled something that took you back to your childhood or made you feel instantly happy or relaxed? That’s the power of scent.

Lavender-Scented Body Wash: The Ultimate Sleep Aid for Children

When it comes to our sense of smell, few scents are as powerful and calming as lavender. Studies have shown that inhaling lavender oil can help improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation. So why not incorporate this natural sleep aid into your child’s bedtime routine?

Using a lavender-scented body wash before bed can create a soothing environment that helps calm your child’s mind and prepare them for a good night’s sleep. The gentle aroma will linger on their skin throughout the night, promoting relaxation and serenity.

Scented Products Can Be Harmful – Use Natural Lavender Essential Oil Instead

Before you rush out to buy any old lavender-scented body wash off the shelf, beware of harmful synthetic fragrances. Many commercial products are filled with chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin or cause long-term health problems.

Instead, opt for natural essential oils like pure lavender oil when making your own body wash at home. Not only is it safer for your child’s skin and health, but it also ensures they’re getting all the benefits of real lavender without any harmful additives.

Our sense of smell is an often overlooked yet powerful tool in promoting emotional well-being and relaxation. By incorporating natural essential oils like lavender into our daily routines – such as through using a lavender-scented body wash before bed – we can harness the power of scent and improve our overall quality of life.

Additional Tips for Promoting Better Sleep in Children

The Importance of a Bedtime Routine

Parents often underestimate the power of a structured bedtime routine. A consistent routine can signal to a child’s brain that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

It can also provide a sense of security and comfort, which is especially important for children who may struggle with anxiety or fear at night. When creating a bedtime routine, it’s important to choose calming activities that will help your child relax.

This could include reading a book together, listening to soothing music, or practicing deep breathing exercises. Avoid activities that are too stimulating or exciting, such as playing video games or watching TV.

Remember that building a successful bedtime routine takes time and patience. Stick with it even if your child resists at first – eventually they will come to associate these activities with sleep and look forward to them each night.

The Power of a Relaxing Environment

Creating a relaxing environment in your child’s bedroom is another key factor in promoting better sleep. This could involve adjusting the lighting (using dimmer switches or blackout curtains), regulating the temperature (keeping it cool but not too cold), or using white noise to block out outside sounds.

It’s also important to eliminate any distractions that might keep your child from falling asleep. This could mean removing technology from the bedroom (including TVs, phones, and tablets) or making sure toys and books are put away before bed.

Consider investing in high-quality bedding and pillows that will make your child feel cozy and comfortable. The right mattress can make all the difference when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep.

The Importance of Modeling Good Sleep Habits

As parents, we often focus on our children’s needs without taking into account our own habits and behaviors around sleep. However, modeling good sleep habits is just as important as creating a relaxing environment or establishing a bedtime routine.

Make sure you are setting a good example by prioritizing your own sleep needs. Avoid staying up too late, and make sure you are getting enough rest each night.

This will not only benefit your own health and well-being but will also set an example for your child to follow. In addition, be mindful of any habits that might contribute to poor sleep quality in your household.

For example, if you tend to watch TV late into the night, consider setting a family rule that screens are turned off at least an hour before bedtime. This can help create a more peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in the home overall.


Creating a soothing lavender-sleepytime body wash recipe for children with restless nights can be a game-changer for both parents and their little ones. With lavender’s proven calming properties, it can help promote better sleep quality and allow children to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. It’s important for parents to understand that there are natural alternatives available to promote better sleep in their children.

Rather than resorting to over-the-counter sleep aids or medications, which can have negative side effects, using a homemade body wash made with all-natural ingredients like lavender essential oil is a safe and effective option. By incorporating this simple yet powerful recipe into your child’s bedtime routine, you may just find yourself with happier and more well-rested kids.

And who doesn’t want that? Sweet dreams!