Soothe Sensitive Skin with a Homemade Eczema Relief Aloe Vera-Colloidal Oatmeal Body Wash for Kids

Mick Strickland

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Importance of Natural Ingredients for Eczema Relief

As a parent, watching your child suffer from eczema can be heartbreaking. Unfortunately, eczema is a common condition in children with sensitive skin. According to the National Eczema Association, over 30 million Americans have some form of eczema, with 10-20% of children experiencing the condition at some point in their lives.

With such a high prevalence, it’s important that we explore natural remedies for eczema relief. One of the best ways to treat eczema is through the use of natural ingredients like aloe vera and colloidal oatmeal.

These gentle but effective ingredients provide relief without harsh chemicals that can further irritate sensitive skin. Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to soothe irritated skin.

Colloidal oatmeal is another powerful natural ingredient known for its ability to moisturize dry, itchy skin and reduce inflammation. By using an all-natural body wash recipe containing these ingredients, parents can provide their children with gentle yet effective relief from eczema symptoms without exposing them to harmful chemicals or irritants.

The Problem with Traditional Eczema Treatments

Many traditional treatments for eczema contain harsh chemicals like steroids or antibiotics that can have negative side effects on both children and adults. These treatments may temporarily relieve symptoms but often do not address the root cause of the problem.

Long-term use of these treatments can also lead to resistance to antibiotics or steroid dependence which makes them less effective over time. Additionally, many traditional treatments are expensive and require multiple doctor visits which may not be practical or affordable for many families.

The Benefits of Natural Ingredients

Natural ingredients like aloe vera and colloidal oatmeal offer many benefits over traditional eczema treatments. They are gentle on sensitive skin and do not contain harsh chemicals or irritants. Aloe vera is known for its healing properties and can help reduce inflammation while colloidal oatmeal is a natural moisturizer that can help soothe dry, itchy skin.

Using a natural body wash recipe containing these ingredients can provide gentle relief from eczema symptoms without exposing your child to harmful chemicals or irritants. Additionally, making your own body wash at home is cost-effective and allows you to control the quality of the ingredients used.

Using natural ingredients like aloe vera and colloidal oatmeal for eczema relief is a safe and effective alternative to traditional treatments. By using an all-natural body wash recipe containing these ingredients, parents can provide gentle yet effective relief from eczema symptoms without exposing their children to harmful chemicals or irritants.

The Agony of Eczema: Understanding this Common Skin Condition

What is Eczema?

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that affects approximately 10% of children worldwide. It is characterized by itchy and inflamed skin that can appear as dry, scaly patches or red, swollen bumps. While eczema is not contagious, it can be extremely uncomfortable for those who suffer from it.

The Impact on Children’s Skin

Children with eczema are especially vulnerable to the condition’s debilitating effects. The intense itching and irritation can disrupt their sleep patterns and negatively impact their overall quality of life. Furthermore, severe cases of eczema can cause infections or complications that require medical attention.

Common Triggers for Eczema Flare-Ups

Many factors can trigger an eczema flare-up. Harsh soaps and detergents are among the most common culprits since they strip away natural oils from the skin and disrupt its delicate balance. Other triggers include stress, allergens such as pollen or pet dander, hot weather or humidity, and certain fabrics like wool.

Understanding the basics of eczema is crucial for parents looking to help their children with sensitive skin conditions find relief. By knowing what causes flare-ups such as harsh soaps and detergents parents can take steps to avoid them in order to reduce symptoms such as itching or inflamed skin which in turn impact the child’s quality of life.

Aloe Vera Benefits for Eczema Relief

The Wonders of Aloe Vera

If you’re looking for a natural remedy that can soothe irritated skin and reduce inflammation, then aloe vera is the answer. For centuries, people have used this plant to treat various skin conditions, including eczema. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that make it effective in treating eczema symptoms.

One of the main benefits of using aloe vera for eczema relief is its ability to moisturize the skin. Eczema can cause dry and itchy patches on the skin, which can be uncomfortable and irritating.

Aloe vera has a high water content that helps hydrate the skin, reducing dryness and itching. Additionally, it contains antioxidants that help to protect the skin from further damage.

Specific Properties of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains several key components that make it effective in treating eczema. One such component is acemannan, which is a polysaccharide found in aloe vera gel.

Acemannan has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and redness caused by eczema flare-ups. Another beneficial property of aloe vera is its ability to stimulate collagen production in the skin.

Collagen is essential for maintaining healthy skin as it helps keep the skin firm and elastic. Eczema can often leave behind scars or inflamed areas on the skin, but using products with a high concentration of aloe vera can help promote healing.

A study conducted by researchers at Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan found that applying an ointment containing 0.5% aloe vera extract significantly reduced symptoms of mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema). This study suggests that using products with high concentrations of aloe vera extract may be effective in treating eczema symptoms.


Aloe vera is a powerful natural remedy for eczema relief. Its ability to soothe irritated skin, reduce inflammation, moisturize the skin and promote collagen production make it an effective treatment option for those with eczema.

If you’re looking for a natural way to manage your eczema symptoms, consider incorporating products with high concentrations of aloe vera into your skincare routine. Your skin will thank you!

Colloidal Oatmeal Benefits for Eczema Relief

The Secret to Soothing Irritation and Reducing Inflammation

You may think of oatmeal as just a breakfast food, but it’s actually a powerful ingredient for eczema relief. Colloidal oatmeal is made by finely grinding oats into a powder and suspending the particles in liquid. When used in body washes or baths, it can moisturize dry, itchy skin and provide relief from eczema symptoms.

One of the key benefits of colloidal oatmeal is its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains avenanthramides, which are antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the skin.

This makes it especially helpful for those suffering from eczema, which is characterized by redness, itchiness, and inflammation. Furthermore, colloidal oatmeal has been shown to help restore the skin’s protective barrier function.

This barrier helps prevent moisture loss from the skin and protects against irritants that can trigger eczema flare-ups. By strengthening this barrier with colloidal oatmeal, you can help keep your child’s sensitive skin healthy and protected.

Keep Your Child’s Skin Moisturized with Colloidal Oatmeal

Eczema-prone skin tends to be very dry, which can exacerbate symptoms like itching and irritation. Colloidal oatmeal has humectant properties that allow it to attract moisture to the skin and lock it in place.

This means that using a body wash or bath soak containing colloidal oatmeal can help keep your child’s skin moisturized throughout the day. Moreover, because colloidal oatmeal is gentle enough for even sensitive skin types, you don’t have to worry about causing further irritation when using it on your child’s eczema-prone areas.

So if you’re looking for a natural, effective way to soothe your child’s eczema symptoms, try incorporating colloidal oatmeal into their skincare routine. Not only will it help moisturize and protect their skin, but it will also provide much-needed relief from the discomfort of eczema.

Recipe: Eczema Relief Aloe Vera-Colloidal Oatmeal Body Wash

Provide step-by-step instructions on how to make the body wash at home

Let’s get to the exciting part – making the actual body wash! This recipe is simple, easy-to-follow, and customizable based on your preferences. First, you will need a few key ingredients that are gentle yet effective for treating eczema.

The first ingredient is aloe vera gel. It’s always best to use fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe plant, but if that’s not possible, make sure you purchase pure aloe vera gel without any added chemicals or synthetic fragrances.

Aloe vera has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated skin and reduce redness and itching. The second ingredient is colloidal oatmeal.

Colloidal oatmeal is finely ground oats that have been boiled to extract their natural oils and therapeutic properties. It helps moisturize dry skin and calms itchiness associated with eczema.

You can purchase colloidal oatmeal at most health food stores or online. Once you have these two key ingredients ready, it’s time to mix them together with some other natural additives for extra nourishment.

Here’s the recipe: – 1/4 cup of pure aloe vera gel

– 1/4 cup of colloidal oatmeal – 1 tablespoon of raw honey

– 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil – 5 drops of lavender essential oil

Mix all of these ingredients together in a bowl until they form a smooth paste-like consistency. Then transfer the mixture into an air-tight container like an empty shampoo bottle or mason jar.

List all necessary ingredients

As mentioned earlier, you’ll need just five simple yet powerful ingredients to make this eczema relief body wash: – Pure aloe vera gel (1/4 cup)

– Colloidal oatmeal (1/4 cup) – Raw honey (1 tablespoon)

– Vitamin E oil (1 teaspoon) – Lavender essential oil (5 drops)

All of these ingredients are readily available and can be purchased at most health food stores or online. Make sure to choose high-quality, organic ingredients when possible to ensure the best results.

Include tips on where to purchase high-quality ingredients

When it comes to purchasing high-quality ingredients for your eczema relief body wash, it’s important to do your research. Look for brands that use organic, non-toxic ingredients that are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances. A great place to start is your local health food store or co-op.

They often carry a wide range of natural skincare products as well as pure aloe vera gel and colloidal oatmeal. You can also find many of these ingredients online from reputable retailers like Amazon or Thrive Market.

Remember that the quality of your ingredients will directly impact the effectiveness of your eczema relief body wash. So take the time to source out the best possible options for optimal results.

Tips for Using Eczema Relief Body Wash

1. Use the body wash sparinglyWhile it might be tempting to use a lot of the eczema relief body wash on your child’s skin, it’s important to use it sparingly. Overuse can lead to skin irritation, and if your child’s eczema is severe, using too much of the body wash can actually make things worse. Start with a small amount and see how your child’s skin reacts before increasing the amount you use.

2. Follow up with a moisturizerAfter using the eczema relief body wash, follow up with a moisturizer to lock in moisture and keep your child’s skin hydrated. Look for moisturizers that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin and free of harsh chemicals or fragrances.

3. Be consistent with usageTo see optimal results from using an eczema relief body wash, it’s important to be consistent with usage. Using the body wash once or twice a week will not provide sustained relief from eczema symptoms. Make sure to incorporate this into your child’s daily routine and consider using it every time they take a bath or shower.


Eczema can be a frustrating condition to manage in children, but natural remedies like an aloe vera-colloidal oatmeal body wash can provide gentle and effective relief from symptoms like dryness, itching, and inflammation. By understanding what triggers their child’s eczema flare-ups and incorporating natural ingredients into their skincare routine parents can help soothe their little one’s discomfort. It’s important to remember that treating eczema is not one-size-fits-all, so some trial-and-error may be necessary when finding what works best for your child’s unique needs.

However, as long as you keep an open mind and are consistent with your child’s skincare routine, relief is possible. With a bit of patience and effort, you can help minimize the impact eczema has on your child’s life.