Expiration Date of Homemade Toothpaste: What You Need to Know

Mick Strickland

Does homemade toothpaste expire? Homemade toothpaste is a popular alternative to store-bought toothpaste for those who prefer natural ingredients and want to avoid harsh chemicals. Making toothpaste at home allows individuals to customize the flavor and texture to their liking. However, one question that arises is whether homemade toothpaste has an expiration date.

Unlike commercial toothpaste, homemade toothpaste does not contain preservatives, which can affect its shelf life. The shelf life of homemade toothpaste can vary depending on the ingredients used and the storage conditions. Some ingredients, such as baking soda and coconut oil, have a longer shelf life than others, such as essential oils and honey. Therefore, it is essential to understand the shelf life of the ingredients used in homemade toothpaste to determine its expiration date.

What is Homemade Toothpaste?

Homemade toothpaste is a toothpaste that is made from natural ingredients that are readily available in most households. Unlike commercial toothpaste, homemade toothpaste does not contain fluoride, which is a mineral that helps to prevent tooth decay. Instead, it is made from ingredients such as baking soda, coconut oil, and essential oils, which are believed to have natural antibacterial properties that can help to promote good oral health.

Homemade toothpaste is often preferred by people who are looking for a more natural and eco-friendly alternative to commercial toothpaste. It is also a good option for people who have sensitive teeth or gums, as it does not contain harsh chemicals that can cause irritation or discomfort.

There are many different recipes for homemade toothpaste, and the ingredients used can vary depending on personal preference. Some popular ingredients include baking soda, coconut oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon, and clove oil. These ingredients are often mixed together in a bowl and then stored in a jar for later use.

Does Homemade Toothpaste Expire?

Homemade toothpaste is a natural alternative to commercial toothpaste that contains a variety of chemicals. While it is generally safe to use, it is important to know whether it has an expiration date.

Factors That Affect Shelf Life

The shelf life of homemade toothpaste can vary depending on the ingredients used to make it. Most homemade toothpaste recipes contain baking soda, coconut oil, and essential oils. These ingredients have a longer shelf life compared to other ingredients like honey or aloe vera gel, which can spoil quickly.

The way homemade toothpaste is stored can also affect its shelf life. It is important to store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Exposure to heat and moisture can cause the toothpaste to spoil quickly.

Signs That Homemade Toothpaste Has Expired

Homemade toothpaste does not have an expiration date printed on it like commercial toothpaste. However, there are some signs that can indicate that it has expired. These include:

  • Change in texture or consistency
  • Unpleasant smell or taste
  • Discoloration or mold growth

If homemade toothpaste shows any of these signs, it is best to discard it and make a fresh batch.

How to Store Homemade Toothpaste

Homemade toothpaste can be a great alternative to commercial toothpaste, but it requires proper storage to ensure it stays fresh and effective. Here are some tips on how to store homemade toothpaste:

  • Store in an airtight container: To prevent the toothpaste from drying out or becoming contaminated, store it in an airtight container, such as a small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Keep in a cool, dry place: Exposure to heat and moisture can cause the toothpaste to spoil or lose its effectiveness. Store it in a cool, dry place, such as a medicine cabinet or pantry.
  • Avoid exposure to light: Light can also degrade the quality of the toothpaste, so it’s best to store it in a dark place or use an opaque container.
  • Label and date the container: It’s important to keep track of when the toothpaste was made and when it expires. Label the container with the date it was made and the expiration date, which is typically 3-6 months after it was made.

By following these simple storage tips, homemade toothpaste can last for several months and remain effective at maintaining good oral health.


Homemade toothpaste is a great alternative to commercial toothpaste. It is easy to make, customizable, and often cheaper than store-bought options. However, it is important to keep in mind that homemade toothpaste may not last as long as commercial toothpaste.

While there is no hard and fast rule for how long homemade toothpaste lasts, it is generally recommended to use it within a few weeks to a month. This is because homemade toothpaste does not contain preservatives like commercial toothpaste does, which can help extend its shelf life.

Additionally, the ingredients used in homemade toothpaste can also affect its shelf life. For example, if the toothpaste contains coconut oil, it may solidify or become rancid over time. Similarly, if the toothpaste contains baking soda, it may lose its effectiveness over time.

Therefore, it is important to store homemade toothpaste properly and to use it within a reasonable amount of time. If the toothpaste changes color, texture, or smell, it is best to discard it and make a fresh batch.

In conclusion, homemade toothpaste can be a great option for those looking for a natural, customizable toothpaste. However, it is important to keep in mind that it may not last as long as commercial toothpaste and to use it within a reasonable amount of time.