Homemade Shampoo: A Safe Bet for Color-Treated Hair?

Mick Strickland

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Color-treated hair needs special care to maintain its vibrancy and shine. Many people turn to store-bought shampoos specifically designed for color-treated hair, but others prefer to make their own homemade shampoo to avoid harsh chemicals and save money. However, the question remains: is homemade shampoo good for color-treated hair?

The answer is not a simple yes or no. Homemade shampoos can be beneficial for color-treated hair, but it depends on the ingredients used and the individual’s hair type and color. Some homemade shampoos can strip hair of its color, while others can help maintain it. It’s important to know what ingredients to look for and which ones to avoid when making a homemade shampoo for color-treated hair.

In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of using homemade shampoo on color-treated hair. We will also provide tips on how to make your own gentle and effective homemade shampoo that won’t damage your color-treated locks. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or simply looking for a more natural alternative to store-bought shampoos, this article will help you make an informed decision about using homemade shampoo on your color-treated hair.

Understanding Color-Treated Hair

What Is Color-Treated Hair?

Color-treated hair refers to hair that has been chemically treated with hair dye, highlights, or lowlights to change its natural color. The process of coloring hair involves opening up the hair cuticle to allow the color to penetrate the hair shaft. The hair cuticle is the outermost layer of the hair shaft that protects the inner layers of the hair from damage. Color-treated hair can be fragile and prone to damage due to the chemical process it undergoes during coloring.

How Does Color-Treated Hair Differ from Other Types of Hair?

Color-treated hair differs from other types of hair in several ways. First, it can be more fragile and prone to damage due to the chemical process it undergoes during coloring. The hair cuticle can become damaged, leading to dryness, breakage, and split ends. Second, color-treated hair can fade more quickly than other types of hair due to washing, exposure to the sun, and other environmental factors.

Third, color-treated hair requires special care to maintain its color and overall health. Using the wrong products or techniques can cause the color to fade or the hair to become damaged. To maintain the health and vibrancy of color-treated hair, it is important to use products that are specifically formulated for color-treated hair.

These products are designed to be gentle on the hair and to help preserve the color. It is also important to avoid using hot tools on color-treated hair, as the heat can cause the color to fade and the hair to become damaged.

Homemade Shampoo for Color-Treated Hair

Color-treated hair requires extra care and attention to maintain the vibrancy of the color. While there are many commercial shampoos available in the market, they often contain harsh chemicals that can strip the hair of its natural oils and cause the color to fade. Homemade shampoos, on the other hand, can be a natural and gentle alternative that can help preserve the color and health of the hair.

What Are the Benefits of Homemade Shampoo for Color-Treated Hair?

Homemade shampoos can offer several benefits for color-treated hair:

  • Gentle on Hair: Homemade shampoos are often made with natural ingredients that are gentle on hair and scalp. This can help prevent damage to the hair and keep it healthy and shiny.
  • Preserves Color: Commercial shampoos can contain harsh chemicals that strip the hair of its natural oils and cause the color to fade. Homemade shampoos, on the other hand, can be made with natural ingredients that help preserve the color and vibrancy of the hair.
  • Customizable: Homemade shampoos can be customized to suit the specific needs of color-treated hair. For example, ingredients like chamomile and calendula can help soothe the scalp and prevent irritation, while honey and coconut oil can help moisturize and nourish the hair.

What Are the Risks of Using Homemade Shampoo on Color-Treated Hair?

While homemade shampoos can offer several benefits, there are also some risks to consider:

  • No Guarantees: Homemade shampoos are not regulated like commercial shampoos, so there is no guarantee that they will work as intended or be safe for use on color-treated hair.
  • Incorrect Formulation: Homemade shampoos can be tricky to formulate, and if done incorrectly, they can cause more harm than good. For example, using too much baking soda or vinegar can cause the hair to become dry and brittle.
  • Less Convenient: Homemade shampoos can be less convenient than commercial shampoos, as they often require more time and effort to make and use.

Overall, homemade shampoos can be a natural and gentle alternative to commercial shampoos for color-treated hair. However, it is important to do proper research and formulation before using them, as they can be risky if not done correctly.

How to Make Homemade Shampoo for Color-Treated Hair

Ingredients to Use

When making homemade shampoo for color-treated hair, it is important to use ingredients that are gentle and nourishing. Some of the best ingredients to use include:

  • Castile soap
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Coconut milk
  • Jojoba oil
  • Essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, or chamomile

Ingredients to Avoid

On the other hand, there are some ingredients that should be avoided when making homemade shampoo for color-treated hair. These include:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Any harsh chemicals or sulfates

Recipes for Homemade Shampoo for Color-Treated Hair

Here are a few simple recipes for homemade shampoo that are safe and nourishing for color-treated hair:

Basic Shampoo1/4 cup castile soap, 1/4 cup aloe vera gel, 1 tsp jojoba oil, 10 drops essential oilMix all ingredients together in a jar or bottle. Shake well before use.
Coconut Milk Shampoo1/4 cup coconut milk, 1/4 cup castile soap, 1 tsp jojoba oil, 10 drops essential oilMix all ingredients together in a jar or bottle. Shake well before use.
Lavender Shampoo1/4 cup castile soap, 1/4 cup aloe vera gel, 1 tsp jojoba oil, 10 drops lavender essential oilMix all ingredients together in a jar or bottle. Shake well before use.

By using gentle, nourishing ingredients and avoiding harsh chemicals, homemade shampoo can be a great option for those with color-treated hair. These simple recipes can be customized with different essential oils or ingredients to suit individual needs and preferences.

If you are interested in more recipes that are designed specifically for color treated hair, then read our article “11 Best Shampoo Recipes For Color Treated Hair”

Tips for Using Homemade Shampoo on Color-Treated Hair

How Often to Use Homemade Shampoo on Color-Treated Hair

When using homemade shampoo on color-treated hair, it is important to be mindful of how often you use it. Over-washing can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and color fading. It is recommended to use homemade shampoo once or twice a week, depending on your hair type and the level of oiliness.

How to Apply Homemade Shampoo on Color-Treated Hair

When applying homemade shampoo on color-treated hair, it is important to be gentle and avoid vigorous scrubbing. Start by wetting the hair thoroughly, then apply a small amount of shampoo to the scalp and massage it gently with your fingertips. Avoid applying the shampoo directly to the ends of the hair, as they tend to be more fragile and prone to damage.

For best results, leave the shampoo on the hair for a few minutes before rinsing it off. This will allow the natural ingredients in the shampoo to penetrate the hair and provide nourishment.

How to Rinse Homemade Shampoo from Color-Treated Hair

Rinsing homemade shampoo from color-treated hair is just as important as applying it. It is recommended to use lukewarm water, as hot water can strip the hair of its natural oils and cause color fading.

Be sure to rinse the hair thoroughly, making sure that all the shampoo is removed. Residual shampoo can cause buildup and lead to dull, lifeless hair.

After rinsing, follow up with a natural conditioner like an apple cider vinegar rinse. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed into two cups of water and poured over hair. Let it sit in your hair for a couple of minutes and then rinse out. Hard water can affect how your hair responds to homemade shampoo.


While there are many anecdotal claims about the benefits of homemade shampoo, there is not enough clinical research to fully support its effectiveness on color-treated hair. It is important to note that not all homemade shampoos are created equal, and some may contain ingredients that can strip hair color or cause damage.

On the other hand, there are many commercially available shampoos specifically formulated for color-treated hair that have been extensively tested and proven to be effective. These shampoos often contain gentle, color-safe ingredients that help maintain the vibrancy and shine of dyed hair.

Ultimately, the decision to use homemade or commercial shampoo on color-treated hair is a personal one. Some people may prefer the natural ingredients and customization options of homemade shampoo, while others may prefer the convenience and reliability of commercial products.

It is important to consider the individual needs of your hair, as well as any specific concerns or sensitivities, before making a decision. Consulting with a hairstylist or dermatologist can also provide valuable insight and guidance.