Best Homemade Conditioner for Red Hair

Mick Strickland

Red hair requires special care to maintain its vibrant color and shine. This homemade conditioner combines the color-enhancing properties of hibiscus and beetroot to create a conditioner that enriches red tones, adds moisture, and promotes the overall health of your red hair.

Hibiscus and Beetroot Conditioner Recipe


  • 1 cup hibiscus tea (brewed and cooled)
  • 1/4 cup beetroot juice
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil


  1. Brew hibiscus tea and let it cool completely.
  2. Extract the juice from the beetroot using a juicer or blender.
  3. In a bowl, combine the cooled hibiscus tea, beetroot juice, and coconut oil.
  4. Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

How to Use:

  1. After shampooing, apply the hibiscus and beetroot conditioner to your wet hair.
  2. Gently work the conditioner through your hair, focusing on the lengths and ends.
  3. Leave the conditioner on for 5-10 minutes to allow the ingredients to work.
  4. Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Benefits of Hibiscus and Beetroot Conditioner

Hibiscus and beetroot conditioner offer several benefits for red hair:

Color Enhancement: Hibiscus and beetroot have natural pigments that enhance red tones in the hair, intensifying the vibrancy of your red hair color.

Moisture and Hydration: The combination of hibiscus tea and coconut oil provides deep hydration and moisture to your hair, combating dryness and promoting softness and manageability.

Scalp Health: Hibiscus has soothing properties that help maintain a healthy scalp, reducing scalp dryness and itchiness often associated with red hair. It promotes a balanced and nourished scalp.

Shine and Luster: The conditioning properties of hibiscus and beetroot conditioner add shine and luster to your red hair, giving it a radiant and glossy appearance.

Hair Strength: Hibiscus and beetroot conditioner contribute to hair strength and resilience. They provide essential nutrients and antioxidants that nourish the hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth and reducing breakage.


Can I use this conditioner on other hair colors?This conditioner is primarily designed for red hair. It may not have the same color-enhancing effects on other hair colors.
How often should I use this conditioner?You can use it 1-2 times per week or as needed to maintain the vibrancy and moisture of your red hair. Adjust the frequency based on your hair’s needs.
Can I store the leftover conditioner?It’s best to prepare a fresh batch for each use to maintain the freshness and efficacy of the ingredients.
Can I leave the conditioner on longer for better results?Leaving the conditioner on for longer than the recommended time may not provide additional benefits. Stick to the suggested duration.
Can I customize this recipe with additional ingredients?You can add a few drops of argan oil or rosehip oil for added nourishment and extra shine. Test for sensitivity before applying to your hair.