Best Homemade Conditioner for Itchy Scalp

Mick Strickland

An itchy scalp can be uncomfortable and irritating, requiring a conditioner that provides relief, soothes the scalp, and promotes a healthy scalp environment. This homemade conditioner combines the cooling properties of peppermint and the antifungal effects of tea tree oil to create a refreshing conditioner that helps alleviate itching, reduces inflammation, and leaves your scalp feeling refreshed.

Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil Conditioner Recipe


  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 1 cup plain yogurt


  1. In a bowl, combine the peppermint essential oil, tea tree essential oil, and plain yogurt.
  2. Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

How to Use:

  1. After shampooing, apply the peppermint and tea tree oil conditioner to your wet hair.
  2. Gently massage the conditioner into your scalp, focusing on areas experiencing itchiness.
  3. Leave the conditioner on for 5-10 minutes to allow the ingredients to work.
  4. Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Benefits of Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil Conditioner

Peppermint and tea tree oil conditioner offer several benefits for an itchy scalp:

Scalp Soothing: Peppermint essential oil has a cooling effect that provides relief to an itchy scalp. It helps reduce itchiness and soothes inflammation, promoting a more comfortable scalp.

Antifungal Properties: Tea tree essential oil possesses antifungal properties that help combat fungal infections or scalp conditions contributing to itchiness. It aids in maintaining a healthier scalp environment.

Refreshing Sensation: The combination of peppermint and tea tree oil provides a refreshing and invigorating sensation to the scalp, offering a pleasant relief from itchiness.

Moisture and Nourishment: The yogurt in this conditioner adds moisture and nourishment to the scalp. It helps soothe dryness, provides essential nutrients, and promotes a healthy scalp environment.

Improved Scalp Health: Regular use of this conditioner can help improve overall scalp health. It reduces itchiness, soothes irritation, and supports a balanced and comfortable scalp.


Can I use this conditioner on oily hair?Yes, you can use it on oily hair, focusing mainly on the scalp area. Adjust the amount based on your hair’s needs.
How often should I use this conditioner?You can use it 1-2 times per week or as needed to address scalp itchiness. Adjust the frequency based on your scalp’s condition.
Can I store the leftover conditioner?It’s best to prepare a fresh batch for each use to maintain the freshness and efficacy of the ingredients.
Can I leave the conditioner on overnight?It’s recommended to leave the conditioner on for 5-10 minutes. Leaving it on overnight may cause discomfort or irritation.
Can I customize this recipe with additional ingredients?You can add a few drops of lavender essential oil for added scalp soothing benefits and a pleasant aroma. Test for sensitivity before applying to your scalp.