Can Homemade Conditioner Help Add Shine To Hair?

Mick Strickland

Many people desire shiny, healthy-looking hair. While there are many commercial hair products available that claim to add shine to hair, some people prefer to use homemade hair conditioners instead. Homemade hair conditioner recipes often use natural ingredients that can help nourish and moisturize hair, which can lead to shinier locks.

While there is no guarantee that homemade hair conditioners will work for everyone, many people have reported success in using them to add shine to their hair. For example, a honey-based conditioner can help keep moisture in your hair, giving it a shinier, glossier appearance. Additionally, coconut oil contains lauric acid, a moisturizing medium-chain fatty acid that can penetrate hair and reduce protein loss, making it a great at-home hair treatment for added strength and shine.

It is important to note that not all homemade hair conditioners will work for everyone, and some may even cause adverse reactions. Additionally, it is important to use caution when using homemade hair conditioners, as they may not be as rigorously tested or regulated as commercial hair products. However, for those looking for a natural, affordable way to add shine to their hair, homemade hair conditioners may be worth trying.

What is Homemade Conditioner?

Homemade conditioner is a hair care product made with natural ingredients that can help to nourish and moisturize hair. Unlike commercial conditioners, which often contain harsh chemicals that can strip hair of its natural oils, homemade conditioners are gentle and effective alternatives that can help to add shine and softness to hair.

Homemade conditioners can be made with a variety of ingredients, including avocado, honey, coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar. Each ingredient has its own unique properties that can help to improve the health and appearance of hair.

One of the benefits of making homemade conditioner is that it allows you to customize the product to your specific hair type and needs. For example, if you have dry hair, you can add ingredients like olive oil or shea butter to help moisturize and hydrate your hair. If you have oily hair, you can add ingredients like lemon juice or tea tree oil to help balance your scalp’s natural oils.

How Does Homemade Conditioner Work?

Homemade conditioner can help add shine to hair by providing it with nutrients and moisture that may be lacking. Conditioner works by smoothing the cuticle, which is the outer layer of the hair shaft. When the cuticle is smooth, light reflects off of it more evenly, giving hair a shinier appearance.

Many homemade conditioner recipes include ingredients that are known to be beneficial for hair. For example, coconut oil is a popular ingredient in homemade conditioner recipes because it is high in fatty acids that can help moisturize hair and prevent breakage. Honey is another common ingredient that can help add shine and moisture to hair.

Essential oils are also often used in homemade conditioner recipes. Different essential oils have different properties that can benefit hair in different ways. For example, rosemary essential oil is believed to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health, while lavender essential oil is known for its calming and soothing properties.

Benefits of Using Homemade Conditioner

Conditioning the hair is an essential part of any hair care routine. It helps to keep the hair healthy, soft, and manageable. While there are many commercial conditioners available in the market, homemade conditioners are gaining popularity due to their natural ingredients and cost-effectiveness. Here are some benefits of using homemade conditioner:

Adds Shine to Hair

Homemade conditioners can help add shine to hair. They contain natural ingredients that nourish the hair and make it look healthy and lustrous. For example, a honey-based conditioner can help keep moisture in the hair, giving it a shinier, glossier appearance.

Another natural ingredient that can add shine to hair is apple cider vinegar. When used as a conditioner, it can help to remove buildup from the hair, making it look shinier and healthier. To use apple cider vinegar as a conditioner, mix one part vinegar with two parts water and apply it to the hair after shampooing. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off.

Moisturizes Hair

Homemade conditioners can also help to moisturize the hair. They contain natural oils and other ingredients that help to hydrate the hair and prevent it from becoming dry and brittle. For example, coconut oil is a popular natural ingredient that can help to moisturize the hair. It contains fatty acids that penetrate the hair shaft and help to strengthen and moisturize the hair.

Another natural ingredient that can moisturize the hair is avocado. Avocado is rich in vitamins and minerals that can help to nourish the hair and make it softer and more manageable. To use avocado as a conditioner, mash one ripe avocado and apply it to the hair. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.

Reduces Frizz

Homemade conditioners can also help to reduce frizz in the hair. They contain natural ingredients that help to smooth the hair and prevent it from becoming frizzy. For example, aloe vera gel is a natural ingredient that can help to reduce frizz in the hair. It contains enzymes that help to smooth the hair cuticle and make it more manageable.

Another natural ingredient that can reduce frizz in the hair is shea butter. Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that can help to hydrate the hair and prevent it from becoming dry and frizzy. To use shea butter as a conditioner, melt a small amount of butter and apply it to the hair. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.

How to Make Homemade Conditioner


Homemade conditioners can be made with a variety of natural ingredients that are easy to find and can help add shine to hair. Here are a few ingredients to consider:

  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Honey
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Essential oils (such as lavender or peppermint)

These ingredients can be combined in different ways to create a conditioner that works best for your hair type and needs.


Here is a simple recipe for a homemade conditioner:

Coconut oil1/2 cup
Honey1 tablespoon
Essential oil (optional)5-10 drops

To make the conditioner:

  1. Melt the coconut oil in a double boiler or in a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Add the honey and stir until well combined.
  3. Add the essential oil, if using, and stir again.
  4. Allow the mixture to cool slightly before applying it to your hair.
  5. Apply the conditioner to your hair, focusing on the ends.
  6. Leave the conditioner on for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it out with warm water.

Homemade conditioners can be a great way to add shine to hair without using harsh chemicals. However, it is important to remember that every person’s hair is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It may take some experimentation to find the right combination of ingredients that works best for your hair.

Tips for Using Homemade Conditioner

Homemade conditioner can be a great way to add shine to hair. However, it’s important to use it correctly to get the best results. Here are some tips for using homemade conditioner:

1. Focus on the ends of the hair: When applying homemade conditioner, it’s important to focus on the ends of the hair. This is where hair is most likely to be dry and damaged. Applying conditioner to the scalp can make hair look greasy.

2. Leave it on for a few minutes: To get the most out of homemade conditioner, it’s important to leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing. This allows the ingredients to penetrate the hair and provide the desired benefits.

3. Rinse with cool water: When rinsing out homemade conditioner, it’s best to use cool water. This helps to seal the hair cuticle, which can help to increase shine.

4. Use it regularly: For best results, homemade conditioner should be used regularly. Depending on the recipe, it may be used once a week or more frequently. Consistent use can help to improve the overall health and appearance of hair.

5. Experiment with different recipes: There are many different recipes for homemade conditioner, and not all of them will work for everyone. It’s important to experiment with different recipes to find the one that works best for your hair type and needs.


Overall, homemade conditioners can be a great addition to a hair care routine for those looking to add shine to their hair. Many natural ingredients, such as coconut oil, honey, and apple cider vinegar, have been shown to improve hair health and add shine.

However, it’s important to note that not all homemade conditioners will work for everyone. Hair type, texture, and individual preferences can all play a role in how effective a homemade conditioner will be. It may take some trial and error to find the right combination of ingredients that work best for each individual.

In addition, it’s important to remember that homemade conditioners should not be used as a replacement for regular shampoo and conditioner. While they can provide added benefits, they may not be able to fully cleanse and condition the hair like traditional hair care products.

Overall, incorporating homemade conditioners into a hair care routine can be a fun and affordable way to improve hair health and add shine. With the right ingredients and a little experimentation, individuals can find a homemade conditioner that works best for their hair type and needs.