Best face cleanser recipe for men who are prone to acne: Charcoal and Salicylic Acid Cleanser

Mick Strickland

The Skincare Industry is Sexist

It’s no secret that the skincare industry has been largely marketed towards women. Whether it’s through packaging, advertising or product placement, men have been left out in the cold when it comes to taking care of their skin.

It’s time for that to change. Men should have access to the same quality skincare products as women, especially those with acne-prone skin.

Acne doesn’t discriminate based on gender. In fact, studies show that men are just as likely as women to experience acne breakouts.

And yet, many skincare companies continue to ignore this fact and market their products exclusively towards women. This is not only unfair; it’s also short-sighted from a business perspective.

The Importance of Skincare for Men

Skincare isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling good too. When you take care of your skin, you’re investing in your health and well-being. Men with acne-prone skin in particular should be paying attention to their skin health because untreated acne can lead to scarring and other long-term damage.

But let’s face it: skincare can be intimidating for men who are used to using nothing more than a bar of soap and a splash of water on their faces. That’s why I’m here today with a simple solution: a DIY charcoal and salicylic acid cleanser that any man can make at home.

The Magic Ingredients: Charcoal and Salicylic Acid

Charcoal has become somewhat of a buzzword in the skincare world over the past few years, but for good reason. Activated charcoal powder works by drawing out impurities from the pores, making it an effective ingredient in treating acne-prone skin. Salicylic acid, on the other hand, is a beta hydroxy acid that helps to unclog pores and prevent future breakouts.

When combined in a cleanser, charcoal and salicylic acid work together to deep-cleanse the skin and help prevent acne breakouts. This powerful combination is exactly what men with acne-prone skin need to start taking charge of their skincare routine.

The Benefits of Charcoal and Salicylic Acid

Charcoal: The Skin’s Best Friend

Charcoal has been a popular ingredient in skincare products for a while now, and for good reason. It’s an excellent natural ingredient that works wonders for the skin.

Charcoal has the ability to draw out impurities from the skin like a magnet. This is because it has a porous surface that acts like a sponge, absorbing all the dirt, oil, and toxins from your pores.

When you have acne-prone skin, it’s essential to keep your pores clean to prevent breakouts. By incorporating charcoal into your skincare routine, you’re doing just that.

It helps remove excess oil from your skin which can clog pores and cause acne. Plus, charcoal benefits not only those with oily skin but also those with dry or sensitive skin as it does not strip away natural oils.

Salicylic Acid: Unclog Those Pores!

Salicylic acid is another powerful ingredient that should be on every acne-prone man’s radar. Salicylic acid is well known for its ability to unclog pores by exfoliating dead cells and reducing inflammation caused by acne. When applied topically in cleansers or serums, salicylic acid penetrates deep into the pores to dissolve sebum buildup and other debris that can lead to breakouts.

Additionally, salicylic acid also helps regulate oil production in the skin leading to fewer breakouts over time. By combining charcoal and salicylic acid together in this DIY cleanser recipe, you’re getting double the power-packed punch of pore-cleansing action!

It Just Works

One of my favorite things about using charcoal and salicylic acid together is how quickly I saw results. After just a few uses of this DIY cleanser recipe my oily skin felt cleaner and smoother. Additionally, my pores appeared smaller and less congested!

If you’re looking for a natural way to cleanse your skin thoroughly without resorting to harsh chemicals, this DIY cleanser recipe is the perfect solution. Not only does it help prevent acne breakouts but it also leaves your skin looking smooth and healthy!

Ingredients Needed

Now that you understand the benefits of using a charcoal and salicylic acid cleanser for acne-prone skin, it’s important to know the necessary ingredients to make this DIY recipe. First and foremost, you will need activated charcoal powder. This ingredient is crucial in drawing out impurities from deep within the pores.

In addition to activated charcoal powder, salicylic acid is also a key ingredient in this recipe. Salicylic acid helps to unclog pores and prevent breakouts by exfoliating dead skin cells and reducing inflammation.

When used in conjunction with activated charcoal, salicylic acid can help achieve clearer and healthier-looking skin. While activated charcoal powder and salicylic acid are the main ingredients in this recipe, there are other optional ingredients that can be added for enhanced benefits.

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties and can help reduce acne-causing bacteria on the skin. Aloe vera gel is also a great addition as it helps soothe inflammation and redness caused by acne breakouts.

It’s important to note that when purchasing these ingredients, it’s best to opt for high-quality products that are free of harmful chemicals or additives. Many drugstore brands contain harsh chemicals that can actually worsen acne-prone skin over time.

When making a DIY charcoal and salicylic acid cleanser for acne-prone skin, be sure to have all necessary ingredients including activated charcoal powder, salicylic acid, tea tree oil (optional), and aloe vera gel (optional). Remember to choose high-quality products free of harmful chemicals or additives for best results.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that we have discussed the benefits of charcoal and salicylic acid, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of how to make this powerful face cleanser. Follow these simple steps to create your own DIY Charcoal and Salicylic Acid Cleanser:


  • 1 tablespoon activated charcoal powder
  • 2 tablespoons salicylic acid
  • 1 tablespoon tea tree oil (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel (optional)
  • 5-6 tablespoons water
  • A mixing bowl and spoon

Mixing Instructions:

  1. In a mixing bowl, add 1 tablespoon of activated charcoal powder.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of salicylic acid and mix well until it forms a smooth paste.
  3. If desired, add 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil for its antibacterial properties and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel for its soothing effects on the skin.
  1. Slowly add water to the mixture, one tablespoon at a time. Mix well until it forms a creamy consistency.

Note: Be sure not to add too much water or the cleanser will become too thin. It should have a thick consistency that spreads easily on your skin.

Application and Usage:

To use this cleanser, follow these simple steps:

  1. Splash your face with lukewarm water to open up your pores.
  1. Gently massage the charcoal and salicylic acid cleanser onto your face using circular motions for about one minute. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this could irritate your skin.
  1. Rinse off the cleanser with lukewarm water, making sure that all traces of the product are removed from your skin.
  2. Finish by patting your face dry with a clean towel and applying a moisturizer suitable for acne-prone skin.

Note: It’s important to only use this cleanser once per day, preferably at night before bed. Overuse of salicylic acid can cause dryness and irritation on the skin. Also, be sure to do a patch test on a small area of your skin before using this product all over your face.


Congratulations! You have just created an effective DIY Charcoal and Salicylic Acid Cleanser that will help combat acne breakouts, leaving you with clear and healthy-looking skin.

Just remember to use it sparingly and take care not to overdo it, as using too much salicylic acid can damage the skin barrier. With consistent use and proper application techniques, you’ll soon be well on your way to achieving a brighter, more youthful-looking complexion.

Additional Tips for Acne Prevention

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Let’s get one thing straight, guys – what you put into your body is just as important as what you put on your skin! If you’re serious about preventing acne, it’s time to start taking a closer look at your diet. Fried foods, sugary drinks, and processed snacks may taste delicious, but they’re doing serious damage to your skin.

These types of “junk” foods are known to cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to breakouts and other skin issues. So what should you be eating instead?

Focus on incorporating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. These foods are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can help keep your skin clear and healthy.

You should also aim to consume plenty of lean protein sources, such as fish or chicken breast. These proteins contain amino acids that are crucial for repairing damaged skin cells.

Avoid Harsh Skincare Products

I know it can be tempting to grab whatever skincare product promises “clearer, brighter skin,” but here’s the truth: many of these products contain harsh chemicals that can actually do more harm than good. Ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid may be effective at treating acne in some cases, but they can also strip away essential oils from the skin and leave it dry and irritated.

Instead of using harsh products like these, look for gentler alternatives that won’t damage your skin’s natural barrier. Natural ingredients like tea tree oil or chamomile extract can be just as effective at treating acne without causing undue irritation.

And don’t forget about the basics – washing your face with a gentle cleanser twice a day is one of the most important steps you can take toward clearer skin.

Conclusion: Take Charge of Your Skin!

At the end of the day, preventing acne is all about taking charge of your skin and making smart choices. Whether you’re using a charcoal and salicylic acid cleanser or making dietary changes to support healthy skin, it’s important to remember that there’s no “one size fits all” solution.

Everyone’s skin is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. That being said, there are some basic principles that can help guide you toward clearer, healthier skin.

By maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding harsh skincare products, and taking good care of your skin on a daily basis, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the clear complexion you’ve always wanted. So go forth and take care of yourself – your skin (and your confidence!) will thank you for it.


Using a charcoal and salicylic acid cleanser can be incredibly beneficial for men with acne-prone skin. This DIY recipe is not only affordable and customizable, but it also provides a deep clean that traditional cleansers may not be able to provide. By incorporating activated charcoal powder and salicylic acid into your skincare routine, you can help prevent acne breakouts and keep your skin looking clear and healthy.

Try It Out For Yourself

If you’re someone who struggles with acne, I highly recommend giving this DIY cleanser recipe a try. Not only can it be incredibly effective at cleaning out pores and preventing breakouts, but it’s also easy to make and saves you money in the long run. Plus, because you’re in control of the ingredients, you can customize the recipe to fit your specific skincare needs.

A Final Note

Remember that while using a good facial cleanser is important for preventing acne breakouts, there are other factors that play into the health of your skin. Eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep each night, and avoiding harsh skincare products can all contribute to keeping your complexion looking its best.

So why not give this charcoal and salicylic acid cleanser recipe a try? Your skin will thank you!